Microsoft is gearing up to introduce Bing Chat to third-party

Building on the success of its introduction earlier in the year, Bing Chat is to embrace a broader landscape and welcome users of alternative browsers to the fold. Microsoft is even extending the reach of its AI-driven search tech to its closest rivals in Chrome and Safari. Based on the same technology behind ChatGPT-4 from OpenAI, Bing Chat is able…

Innovation and Accountability: AI Regulation in the EU, US, and UK

The EU has moved fast on safety and transparency regulations for artificial intelligence, set to introduce strict rules for AI in scenarios deemed “high-risk”. The US, meanwhile, has been more hesitant — its major tech firms a counterweight to public calls for regulation. In the UK, the government points toward a “pro-innovation” approach to avoid stifling competition in AI. The…

Google Testing New AI tool to Write News Articles

In a groundbreaking move, Google has revealed Genesis, an AI tool capable of processing current events data and writing coherent news articles. The tool has been demonstrated only to a select group of senior staff at The New York Times, The Washington Post, and News Corp.

Google launches AI textual assistant, NotebookLM

Distinct from the available AI chatbots, NotebookLM functions as a personalised AI assistant “grounded” in the document you choose to input. The app is set to work in conjunction with Google Drive, analysing your documents to help extract key points, summarise texts, or brainstorm new ideas.  Project Tailwind was one of a raft of new features unveiled at the Google…

Microsoft adds new AI-powered shopping tools to Bing and Edge

Microsoft today announced a slew of AI-powered shopping tools for Bing and the Bing AI chatbot within the Edge sidebar. These new tools include a handy Buying Guide, Price Match features, and summarised reviews. It will be interesting to observe how these new features are embraced — or not —  by consumers and digital marketers alike. Microsoft is introducing AI-generated…

AI Bots and the Challenges of Real-Time Search Results

Trends are fast moving toward the integration of generative AI with real-time search engine data, but real challenges remain over the accuracy and veracity of information. Are the Chatbots feeling lucky? And, who’s culpable when they dish out incorrect information?  AI chat tools tend to slip up at times, producing errors described as “hallucinations”. Liability for damages caused by AI…

Can Google’s New AI-Powered Search Strike the Right Balance of Content and Ads?

Google has unveiled its new Search Generative Experience (SGE), set to drop AI-generated answers above traditional search results. The goal is to streamline the experience in a way that allows users to find results faster, delve deeper, achieve things faster — but will an inundation of ads kill the buzz? A bombshell was announced at the Google I/O 2023 Keynote…

Project Magi: Google is changing how search works in a big way

Google is set to drop new AI features into Google Search next month as part of a development initiative known only as ‘Project Magi’. Strikingly, Google intends to release an entirely distinct new AI search engine at some point in the near-future.  Google has been serious about artificial intelligence for a number of years. The Google AI division was established…

Brave Search Launches AI-Powered SERP Summarizer

Brave Search is the latest to follow suit in the AI search game. Its new tool, The Summarizer, places a concise AI-generated summary at the top of the search engine results page (SERP). The feature draws upon existing web content to aggregate results. Brave makes the claim this is a more reliable approach compared to other “purely generative” AI models. …

Microsoft’s AI-Powered Bing Search Now On Mobile

Artificial Intelligence is advancing at a rapid speed, and Microsoft has been leading the charge.  Now, Microsoft Bing is taking AI to the next level by enabling their own ChatGPT-enabled full-service chatbot that can answer questions in plain English and even joke around a little bit. Microsoft has announced new features for Bing search engine and Edge web browser that…